Humbly speaking, I've created memorable copy and concept work for clients including the University of Maryland, Apple, EPSON, PBS, Aetna, Vanguard, Navy Federal,World Wildlife Fund and many other category leaders. I've proven time and again to be a savvy, strategic and highly conceptual writer ready and able to hit the ground sprinting in virtually any media. Okay, perhaps I over-sold that humility thing.
RESUME So, what Rich does is turn heads, stop traffic and crash through the clutter that stands between your message and those all-important people you need to receive it. To reach your audience – across virtually all media - Rich creates particularly memorable ideas and writes crisp, conversational and motivating copy. He is also - by most accounts – a fun guy to work with and very, very, very humble. EXPERIENCE 1996 to Present Freelance Copywriter/Creative Director Silver Spring, Maryland -Rich helped Apple launch legendary products like iMac, iBook, iTunes, Mac OS X and .mac, creating and writing all manner of print and online marketing materials. -He teamed with EPSON America to create and shape both brand and marketing for the industry-leading line of ink jet and laser printers. Rich would also like you to know that once you get that ink on your hands it is never, ever coming off. -Gave a voice to Carfax, the leader in automobile history information, with a wide range of feature magazine articles, Web content and marketing collateral. -Boosted DC agency Greenfield-Belser’s efforts to help World Wildlife Fund re-imagine its web site by providing creative strategy, concepts and content. Cool, huh? Animals. -Wrote print ad campaigns for PBS Television, real estate campaigns for Merrick - Towle, print advertising for Vanguard (financial services) and Aetna U.S. Healthcare, and Web content for America Online/Digital City, among others. -Also created and wrote political advertising for Kennedy Communications and contributed promotional ideas to Rock The Vote. “Contributed” meaning there was no actual compensation. -Created advertising, Web content, point-of-purchase materials and annual report copy for Navy Federal Credit Union. -Collaborated with leading DC design firm HZDG to create print and web advertising for NASDAQ, health reform advocacy advertising for AAPA and dealer marketing for Volkswagen. -Worked with SourceAmerica (nee NISH) to freshen and enliven its online image, message and content. Resume of RICH REILLY Page two EVEN MORE EXPERIENCE 9-2003 to 11-2004 Sr. Marketing Copywriter – CoStar Group, Inc. Bethesda, Maryland -Wrote advertising, marketing, Web banner advertising, blast emails, direct mail, web site content, and editorial copy targeting the commercial real estate and mortgage banking industries. Also initiated creative brief form and process, and advised on broadcast media and production. 1990 to 1996 Copywriter/Creative Director – The Young Company/SYH Los Angeles, California -Supervised, created and wrote award-winning ad campaigns for TDK/Silicon Systems, Hughes, Isuzu Trucks, Toshiba and Charter Hospital. Created, wrote and served as agency producer for Aramark's first-ever television spots. -Created name of, and introductory advertising for, Altium - a new division of IBM. 1988 to 1990 Creative Director/Copywriter – The Martz Agency Phoenix, Arizona -Conceived, wrote and managed production of award-winning print and television work for SGS Thomson, Samaritan Healthcare and Reflex Golf. Won agency's first-ever ADDY award for Go-Video campaign. 1982 to 1988 Senior Copywriter/Copywriter – Cochrane Chase/Saatchi & Saatchi Newport Beach, California -Conceived and wrote advertising and collateral materials for companies as diverse as SmithKline/Beckman, CooperVision, Xerox and Carl Karcher (Hardee's/Carl's Jr.). -Created popular and screamingly humorous agency tours for ad students and interns. Resume of RICH REILLY Page three EDUCATION California State University Fullerton B.A. Communications -Excelled in coursework that included journalism, advertising, public relations, Radio & TV and creative writing. AWARDS ADDY, ANDY, TELLY, BMA Best of Show, Golden Orange, ACE. OTHER WRITING -Screenplays: "Unfinished Symphony", "The Fantasy League" and "Brainchild"; Stories For Children: "Hurry Up & Grow" and "Things You Can Do With Feet"