2017 No Starch Press
- Chapter illustrations for the book: Coding iPhone Apps for Kids (https://www.nostarch.com/iphoneappsforkids)
2011 Caltech, CA
- Illustrations for an article in Engineering & Science Magazine
2010 Pixdesign, New York
- Botanical illustration for food packaging
2005 ~ 2009 Tufts University, Medford, MA
Research Assistant - Developmental Technologies Research Group
- Creation & facilitation of on-line community program for pediatric transplant patients
- Website creation/maintenance
- Logo Design
2005 ~ Present
- Freelance Translation (Japanese into English)
2005 FableVision, Watertown, MA
- Animation production assistant, printed marketing materials
2004 FutureBoston [Warner Research], Cambridge, MA
- Part of the development team for the launch of Mapjunction, a web map publishing software
- Responsible for creating tutorials & help pages in Flash for the software
- Providing resource for GIS/relational database & managing contacts
- Conducting user research for interface design purposes, as well performing outreach tasks & marketing operations
2004 Lionbridge Technologies, Framingham, MA
Flash Localization Specialist & Publishing
- Layout & editing for files in HTML, Flash (MX & 2004) FrameMaker, & PDFs for print & online tutorials in multiple languages
- Graphics design, editing & localization in Photoshop & Illustrator
- File preparation for translation & delivery
- Performed QA tasks
- Acting as a lead for multiple projects
2003 Fraunhofer Institute / Rhode Island School of Design
Flash interactive activity design for Questacon (Australia)
- Designed, illustrated and programmed several levels of activities for elementary school ages children to accompany an exhibit describing earth at different depths
2002 Boston Athenaeum, Boston, MA
- Bookplate design for a major donor
2002 Sudler & Hennessey, Hong Kong
- Illustrations for flu medication educational pamphlet
2001 KidsNCars (http://www.kidsandcars.com)
- Volunteer graphic designer for
2000 ~ 2001 Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, MA
Plant Records & Mapping
- Took part in data verification, digital mapping projects, and supervised an intern
March 2000 Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, MA
Exhibit Designer
- For a walk-through educational exhibit at the New England Spring Flower Show
Awards: Massachusetts Horticultural Society Gold Medal, Garden Club of America's Bulkley Medal for exceptional educational exhibit
1999 ~ 2000 Polly Hill Arboretum, West Tisbury, MA
Horticultural Research Fellow
- Responsibilities included managing plant and library database, the acquisition & set up of computers for staff network, teaching adult classes
- Created arboretum website & consulted on the design of Martha's Vineyard Historical Society's Website
- llustration work for the arboretum newsletter, Meristems as well as the collateral design of the arboretum's stationary, brochure and signage
1997 ~ 1999 Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, MA
Putnam Fellow
- Primary responsibilities included the creation of a relational database, editing manuscripts, teaching adult education classes and tracing historical records
- Designed and produced a retrospective display on the Arnold Arboretum on the theme "History of Discovery" for the Mall at Chestnut Hill, MA
- Participated in the organization of the annual Council on Botanical & Horticultural Libraries (CBHL) conference hosted by Harvard libraries: designed the conference posters, keep-sake name tags and tote bag
- Produced botanical illustration for the Education and Development departments at the Arnold Arboretum for use in teacher's manuals and collateral design
- Created greeting cards upon commission
1995 ~ 1996 Naturalis, Leiden, The Netherlands
Research assistant
- Curated a family of marine gastropods (Architectonicidae) and compiling a checklist of its Atlantic species and bibliography
1993 ~ 1994 Inoue Memorial Hospital, Chiba, Japan
- Created the designs for a series of visitor-friendly panels and signage for use throughout the hospital
1990 ~ 1992 Japan Center for International Exchange, Tokyo, Japan
Administrative Assistant
- Responsible for writing and maintaining institution correspondences, collateral design
- General office work, answering phones
- Research
1990 ~ 1993 Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
- llustrator (portraits) for weekly college newspaper
- Winner of campus Earth Day design competition (for use in promotional materials- posters, t-shirts)
2002 ~ 2003 Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
- International Certificate Program in New Media
Recipient of INI-Graphics Net Scholarship
1997 Harvard Extension School, Cambridge, MA
- Scientific Illustration
1995 ~ 1996 University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
- Master of Science in Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants with Distinction
1989 ~ 1993 Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA
- Bachelor of Arts in Biological Sciences (major), International Relations (5 College Certificate)
1984 ~ 1989 Roedean School, Brighton, Sussex, UK
- June 1989: General Certificate of Education Advanced Level in Art, Biology, Chemistry and Physics
- June 1988: Certificate in Use of English
- June 1987: General Certificate of Education, Ordinary Level in: Art, Biology, Chemistry, English Language, French, Geography, History, Japanese, Mathematics and Physics
Computers (Windows & Mac)
- Adobe: Acrobat, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash
- HTML, Javascript
- Microsoft Office programs: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access
- Audio: Sound Forge, Cool Edit Pro
As listed elsewhere on the pages, portfolio pieces include
- Pen & ink, acrylic, oil, pastes, water color
- Japanese/English
Microscopy & photography
- Light, confocal, fluorescent, Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy, manual & digital camera, time-lapse video, dark room processing for black & white prints
REFERENCES Available upon request